

Template design and development.

website page preview

B theme was designed for creative diarist on Ghost CMS. It's built for short periodic entries with a bias towards images, though it handles long form nicely too.

As with all my websites, B. is fully responsive, scaling beautifully for small to large devices.

Feature images are given prominence for visual exposition, if that's the purpose.

website rendered on different devices

The Freefall Experiment

Website designed for articles.

website rendered on different devices

Designed and developed on Statamic - the flat-file CMS - for Julian McKinnon, a NZ based artist.

Design required thoughtful information architecture and navigation, needing to incorporate a sortable archive of articles.

articles page preview
main page preview

Ferret Bookshop

Multiple designs

main website page preview
website design element

Website, bookmarks and tote-bag design for Ferret Bookshop, a Wellington icon on Cuba St.

I also designed signage decals, publicity posters, and a simple book trail map for the local second-hand bookshops.

Gloria Onitiri

Website, flyer and poster

Designed for Gloria Onitiri, British actress and singer.

Desk Calendars

Handmade calendars printed on eco card and bases made from recycled wood.

Business Card Designs

back of card showing an email address
front of card reading, I make web things

Bottle labels

Concept and design.

Food truck

Logo designs and decal layout.